Damn October Already ..

Know I haven’t posted in a while. Sorry : (

I could tell you that I’ve mostly been working and that I spent a good many hours volunteering over the Summer. While that is true the real reason I haven’t posted anything is, well I’ve pretty much avoided the headlines.

Let’s face it, the BS is thicker every day.

That said I did see a report of people (mainly an old women) taking money to go and protest. Of course that irked me but I know this happens in every aspect of politics.

I also read (skimmed really) an article about LGBT publications taking sides and twisting the facts just like standard news propaganda does. It was written by a gay man who was beside himself, when he realized what he was reading was not entirely factual. Some people call this an AWAKENING!

I was woken along time ago, I know there really are no DEMS or REPS. Meaning, no actual side that is better than an other. They are all puppets, controlled by wealthy people with (most likely) nefarious agendas. Control being #1 but I digress.

In the end, whether you vote for this person or that, please remember… WE ARE THE PEOPLE not THEM!

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