HeyBartender!!! ( An APP : )

So .. I built my 1st APP!

Ok, that’s not entirely true. I have built a few before. Mostly Android. Nothing special .. really. Just learning how to do it.

Yeah, over the years I’ve had a few ideas I thought would be cool APPs. I’d start fucking around then get side tracked with this, that or the other.

So What’s Different This Time?
Well shit, for starters I’ve actually completed a version number 1. It’s not mind blowing or revolutionary but it believe it has a purpose. Something I learned about in one of the app building classes I took. # 1 your app should “DO SOMETHING” .. Then, Don’t Go Nuts! Get a down and dirty app working and build from there and gosh darn it, that’s what I did.

Had the idea Sunday, goofed around on Monday and Tuesday has a working “BASIC” version installed on my phone. Weds, I went out and here’s the story of how my 1st test went.

BTW, the app is simply at tool to get a drink at a crowded bar. I won’t go into details why I was compelled to build it but if you ask I’ll tell ya. – Now for last nights 1st test of the APP.


Went out last night ..

It wasn’t a crowded bar but the bartender was on the other end of the bar. Sure I could have started yelling but that wouldn’t help, HE’S DEAF (really)! Next option, to start flailing my arms on the air. Well, that would just make me look like a crazy person. (Which I’m OK with and they know me but NO.)

The solution .. I pulled out my phone and click the HayBartender!!! icon .. I was excited to give the APP it’s 1st test run.

BAM .. Bartender brings me exactly what I wanted!!

What’s more .. He fucking loved the APP and not just cause he’s deaf but because he’s been a bartender a while. He saw how it could make his job easier and speed up the lines at the bar when it is busy.

Very cool!!! – The 1st feedback on it was totally better than expected.

Oh I guess that’s not true my 1st feedback was from my girlfriend. I showed it to her and she says “What if I want a Margarita, with this and that, and NO SALT on the rim.

LoL .. I was like really? : /

The point is to be simple! If you need a sommelier, that is not the point of the APP .. The point is simple: It’s a crowned, noisy bar/night club. You put it what you want and hold it up .. DONE!

Here’s a pretty sad video demo I did : )

So there you have it .. HeyBartender!!!

If you have an Android and want to try it out .. Here it is CLICK!

PLEASE, Send Me Feedback .. I’d love to know whatcha think.

: )

* As of posting this, I haven’t put on Google Play Store but I’ll get there soon. THANKS!

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